title: Stochastic processes in nonequilibrium physical systems
reg no: SF0182647s04
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.1-1.5. Exact Sciences
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Risto Tammelo
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2008
description: The present research project aims:
1. To investigate the effects (current reversals, diffusion anomalies, etc.) induced by a three level noise of finite flatness parameter. The particle current may prove here to be up to three orders of magnitude greater than in the case of noise of inifinitesimal transition probability.
2. To find and physically interpret different mechanisms of amplification of diffusion and current of Brownian particles, one of the origins is the correlation between the stabilisation of the coherence level and the amplification of diffusion found by us.
3. To study the transport of Brownian particles on potentials of complicated structure.
Use of potentials of several minima and/or finite extension provides new possibilties for controlling the system.
4. To examine, by means of stochastic differential equations, the evolution of the phase transitions in systems described by interacting order parameters and to clarify the peculiarities of fluctuative phenomena in multi-component superconductors.
5. To investigate the influence of specific media (incl. the ones with temporal memory and nonlinear dissipation channels) upon Brownian particles. Effects like subdiffusion, superdiffusion, hypersensitive transport, negative mobility, etc. may appear.
6. To particularise the values of the free parameters of the standard model of elementary particles, considering noise fields on d>1 dimensional lattices and applying stochastic quantisation, and to interpret chaotic strings.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Stefan GrooteUniversity of Tartuvanemteadur 
2.Els HeinsaluUniversity of Tartumagistrant 
3.Dmitri MartilaUniversity of Tartuteadur 
4.Astrid RekkerUniversity of Tartuteadur (doktorant) 
5.Küllike RägoUniversity of Tartuteadur (doktorant) 
6.Rein SaarUniversity of Tartudotsent 
7.Risto TammeloUniversity of Tartuprof., TÜ teor. füüs inst ja TÜ füüs osak juhataja 
8.Teet ÖrdUniversity of Tartudotsent