title: The methods, environments, and applications for solving large and complex computational problems
reg no: SF0182712s06
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.2. Applied Mathematics
2.9. System Engineering and Computer Technology
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Jaak Vilo
duration: 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2011
description: The goal of the research is to develop in an integrated manner novel methods and tools for solving large-scale and complex computational problems on distributed environments like GRID. We will develop methods for formal validation, data security and protection, middleware, as well as algorithms and methods for different applications that require large-scale data analysis. Overall, we will 1) develop data mining, pattern discovery, and machine learning algorithms and tools, 2) continue developing the DOUG solver for solving very large linear equations (Domain Decomposition on Unstructured Grids), 3) develop formal methods and practical approaches for ensuring the correctness, robustness, and data protection of GRID computations, 4) develop end-user interfaces and study user training aspects, and last but not least, 5) will apply the developed methods for solving various problems in several application areas, including bioinformatic analyses of gene regulatory networks and gene transcriptional control, computer systems logs analysis, and large database analysis.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Urmo BraunTartu University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science project leader 
2.Peeter LaudTartu University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science senior researcher 
3.Härmel NestraTartu University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science researcher 
4.Rein PrankTartu University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Assoc Professor 
5.Risto VaarandiTartu University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science IT development engineer 
6.Eero VainikkoTartu University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Professor of Distributed Systems 
7.Varmo VeneTartu University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science associate professor 
8.Jaak ViloTartu University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science senior scientist (1.0)