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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Inna
2.Perekonnanimi Rebane
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut, tahkiseteooria labor
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 12.08.1953 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool (lõpet. 1976), teoreetiline füüsika
7.Teenistuskäik Eesti TA (alates 1998 - TÜ) Füüsika Instituut:
1976-1986 nooremteadur;
1986-1987 teadur;
1987- vanemteadur
8.Teaduskraad füüsika-matemaatika kandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Eesti TA Füüsika Instituut (kinnitas Kõrgem Atesteerimiskomisjon Moskvas), 1981
10.Tunnustused 1993- Georg Sorose (Rahvusvahelise Teadusfondi - ISF) stipendium
ja –administratiivne
osavõtt rahvusv. konverentsi organiseerimisest Eestis
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Ühe lisandimolekuli spektroskoopia, valgusimpulssitega spektraalsälkamise teooria, ajast sõltuvate lisanditsentrite resonantse sekundaarkiirguse teooria
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant nr. 6545 "Ühe molekuli spektroskoopia optiliselt kaksikmurdvas kristallis", grandihoidja;
ETF grant nr. 5547 "Foononvabad jooned kui kõrglahutusega spektro-koopia, ühe lisandimolekuli spektroskoopia, spektrite sälkamise nurgakivi", põhitäitja

I. Rebane, "Spontaneous emission rates of a single impurity molecule in dependence on its orientation in biaxial host crystal", Proc. SPIE vol. 5946, Optical Materials and Applications, Arnold Rosental, Ed., p. 202-209. Aug. 2005.

I. Rebane, "Differences of the radiative line width in single-impurity molecule spectroscopy", J. of Lumin., 107, 38-41 (2004).

I. Rebane, "Spontaneous emission rates of a single impurity molecule in a uniaxial host crystal", Optics Communications, 217, 265-268 (2003).

I. Rebane, "Influence of the optical anisotropy of a crystaline host on the radiative line width of a single impurity molecule", Single Molecules, 2, 31-34 (2001). Single Molecules, 3, 332 (2002).

I. Rebane, "Spontaneous emission rates of single impurity molecules in birefringent crystals", J. of Lumin., 94, 177-180 (2001). J. of Lumin., 104, 159-160 (2003).

10. I.Rebane, "On the radiative linewidth in single molecule spectroscopy", Opt. Spectrosc., 87, 633-636, (1999).

5. I.Rebane, “New possibilities of obtaining spectral holes narrower than natural line width,” J. Lumin., 76-77, 130-133, (1998).

I.Rebane, “Analogy between hole shape in two-step pulsed spectral hole burning and time-dependent zero-phonon line shape,” Opt. Commun., 148, 36-40, (1998).

I.Rebane, “New possibility of obtaining spectral holes narrower than natural line width,” In: Proceedings of X International Symposion Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy. Ed. R. Kaarli, A. Freiberg, and P. Saari, Inst Phys. UT, Tartu, p. 160-167, 1998.

I.Rebane, “Possibility of spectral holes narrower than the natural linewidth determined ones,” In: Optical Organic and Semiconductor Inorganic Materials, Proc. SPIE, Ed. E.A.Silinsh, A.Medvid, A.R.Lusis, A.O.Ozols, No. 2968, p. 317-321, 1997.

viimati muudetud: 03.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Inna
2.Surname Rebane
3.Institution Institute of Physics, University of Tartu,
4.Position senior scientist
5.Date of birth 12.08.1953 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu (grad. 1976), theoretical physics
7.Research and
professional experience
Institute of Physics of the Est. Acad. Sci. (since 1998 - of the Univ. of Tartu):
1976-1985 junior research associate;
1986-1987 research associate;
1987- senior scientist
8.Academic degree Ph.D. (solid state)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Institute of Physics of the Est. Acad. Sci., 1981
10.Honours/awards 1993- Georg Soros'( ISF) fellowship
Participation in organizing committee of intern. scientific conference
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program single molecule spectroscopy, theory of spectral hole burning by light pulses, theory of time dependent resonant secondary emission spectra
14.Current grant funding Estonian Science Foundation, grant No 6545 "Single molecule spectroscopy in optical birefringent crystal", PI;
Estonian Science Foundation, grant No 5547 "Zero-phonon lines as the founda-tion stone of high resolution spectro-scopy, spectroscopy of single impurity molecules (SIMS), persistent spectral hole-burning (PSHB)"
15.List of most important publications

I. Rebane, "Spontaneous emission rates of a single impurity molecule in dependence on its orientation in biaxial host crystal", Proc. SPIE vol. 5946, Optical Materials and Applications, Arnold Rosental, Ed., p. 202-209. Aug. 2005.

I. Rebane, "Differences of the radiative line width in single-impurity molecule spectroscopy", J. of Lumin., 107, 38-41 (2004).

I. Rebane, "Spontaneous emission rates of a single impurity molecule in a uniaxial host crystal", Optics Communications, 217, 265-268 (2003).

I. Rebane, "Influence of the optical anisotropy of a crystaline host on the radiative line width of a single impurity molecule", Single Molecules, 2, 31-34 (2001). Single Molecules, 3, 332 (2002).

I. Rebane, "Spontaneous emission rates of single impurity molecules in birefringent crystals", J. of Lumin., 94, 177-180 (2001). J. of Lumin., 104, 159-160 (2003).

10. I.Rebane, "On the radiative linewidth in single molecule spectroscopy", Opt. Spectrosc., 87, 633-636, (1999).

5. I.Rebane, “New possibilities of obtaining spectral holes narrower than natural line width,” J. Lumin., 76-77, 130-133, (1998).

I.Rebane, “Analogy between hole shape in two-step pulsed spectral hole burning and time-dependent zero-phonon line shape,” Opt. Commun., 148, 36-40, (1998).

I.Rebane, “New possibility of obtaining spectral holes narrower than natural line width,” In: Proceedings of X International Symposion Ultrafast Phenomena in Spectroscopy. Ed. R. Kaarli, A. Freiberg, and P. Saari, Inst Phys. UT, Tartu, p. 160-167, 1998.

I.Rebane, “Possibility of spectral holes narrower than the natural linewidth determined ones,” In: Optical Organic and Semiconductor Inorganic Materials, Proc. SPIE, Ed. E.A.Silinsh, A.Medvid, A.R.Lusis, A.O.Ozols, No. 2968, p. 317-321, 1997.

last updated: 03.10.2005

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