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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Peep
2.Perekonnanimi Veski
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli Farmaatsia instituut
4.Ametikoht Ravimite tehnoloogia ja biofarmaatsia professor, instituudi juhataja
5.Sünniaeg 10.01.1950 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Semmelweisi Ülikool (Budapest) - lõpetanud 1975.aastal, proviisor
7.Teenistuskäik 1980-1981 - TÜ farmaatsia instituudi assistent
1981-1986 - TÜ farmaatsia instituudi vanemõpetaja
1986-1998 - TÜ farmaatsia instituudi dotsent
1998 - - TÜ farmatseutilise tehnoloogia ja biofarmaatsia professor, farmaatsia instituudi juhataja
8.Teaduskraad Bioloogiateaduste kandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Ungari Teaduste Akadeemia, 1980
Helsingi Ülikool, 1994
10.Tunnustused Hispaania Kuningliku Farmaatsia-akadeemia korrespondentliige, 2003
ja –administratiivne
Euroopa Farmakopöa Ekspertkomisjoni G12 (Galenical Products) liige
TÜ Arstiteaduskonna prodekaan 01.02.1998-15.03.2002
EAFP (European Association of faculties of Pharmacy) juhatuse liige
EUFEPS (European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences) mitme töögrupi liige
EMEA ekspert
EV Sotsiaalministeeriumi juures asuva farmaatsiaterminoloogia komisjoni liige
Ajakirja European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences retsensent
Ajakirjade "Ars Pharmaceutica" ja Euro Pharma Faculties News" toimetuskolleegiumi liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Eve-Irene Lepist, DSc, 2000, juh. Peep Veski. Oral peptide prodrugs - studies on stability and absorption. Tartu Ülikool

Ivika Leik, MSc, 1996, juh. Peep Veski. Ravimi toimekestvuse reguleerimine kõvades zhelatiinkapslites ex tempore moodustuva kaltsiumalginaadi abil. Tartu Ülikool

Piret Ansko, MSc, 1996, juh. Peep Veski. Raviaine vabanemise kiirus ja kineetika kui peroraalsete tahkete ravimpreparaatide toime kestvust reguleerivad tegurid. Tartu Ülikool

Eve-Irene Lepist, MSc, 1995, juh. Peep Veski. Naatriunalginaadi geelistumise mehhanism ja pressimisjõu toime raviaine vabanemisele kõvadest zhelatiinkapslitest. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Raviainet modifitseeritult vabastavate (mudel)preparaatide väljatöötamine
- ajaliselt reguleeritud vabanemisega (time-controlled release) preparaatide koostise ja valmistamise tehnoloogia väljatöötamine, nimetatud preparaatide biofarmatseutilise kvaliteedi hindamine, preparaatide kronobiofarmatseutilised uuringud
- jämesooles/käärsooles raviainet vabastavate (colon-specific) peroraalselt manustatavate tahkete ravimvormide väljatöötamine ja nende biofarmatseutilise kvaliteedi hindamine
- erinevate biopolümeeride (alginaadid, kitosaan) kasutamine raviaine vabanemist reguleeriva abiainena
Peroraalselt manustatavate tahkete ravimpreparaatide in vitro-in vivo korrelatsiooni uurimine
Raviainet modifitseeritult vabastavate peroraalsete tahkete ravimpreparaatide in vitro uurimismeetodite täiustamine
Peroraalselt manustatavate tahkete ravimpreparaatide (eelkõige kõvakapslite) koostise väljatöötamine ja täiustamine, nende preparaatide biofarmatseutiline hindamine
14.Jooksvad grandid

Nykänen, P., Sten, T., Jürjenson, H., Veski, P., Marvola, M., 2003. citric acid as a pH-regulating additive in granules and the tablet matrix in enteric-coated formulations for colon-specific drug delivery. Pharmazie, 59. 268-273.

Säkkinen, M., Linna, A., Ojala, S., Jürjenson, H., Veski, P., Marvola, M., 2003. In vivo evaluation of matrix granules containing microcrystalline chitosan as a gel-forming excipient. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 250, 227-237.

Säkkinen, M., Tuononen, T., Jürjenson, H. Veski, P. Marvola, M., 2003.Evaluation of microcrystalline chitosan for gastro-retentive drug delivery. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 19, 345-353.

Raal, A., Hinrikus, T., Veski, P., 2002.The teaching of pharmacy at the University of Tartu through the centuries. Pharmacy Education, 2(2), 93-96

Halsas, M., Penttinen, T., Veski, P., Jürjenson, H., Marvola, M., 2001. Time- controlled release pseudoephedrine tablets: bioavailability and in vitro/in vivo correlations. Die Pharmazie, 56, 9, 718-723.

Nykänen, P., Lempää, S., Aaltonen, M.-L., Jürjenson, H., Veski, P., Marvola, M., 2001. Citric acid as excipient in multiple-unit enteric-coated tablets for targeting drugs on the colon. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 229, 1-2, 155-162.

Lepist, E.-I., Kusk, T., Larsen, D.H., Andersen, D., Frokjaer, S., Taub, M.E., Veski, P., Lennernäs, H., Friedrichsen, G., Steffansen, B., 2000. Stability and in vitro metabolism of dipeptide model prodrugs with affinity for the oligopeptide transporter. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11, 1, 43-50.

Säkkinen, M., Seppälä, U., Heinänen, P., Veski, P., Marvola, M., 2000. in vitro evaluation of microcrystalline chitosan and its characteristics as a release rate modifying excipient. Proc. 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 41-42.

Ansko, P., Paavo, M., Veski, P., 1999. Using of the different increasing pH methods for dissolution test of nifedipine modified release formulations. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8S 39.

Halsas, M., Hietala, Veski, P., Jürjenson, H., Marvola, M., 1999. Morning versus evening dosing of ibuprofen using conventional and time-controlled release formulations. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 189, 1, 179-185.

Nykänen, P. Krogars, M., Säkkinen, M., Heinämäki, J., Jürjenson, H., Veski, P., Marvola, M., 1999. Organic acids as excipients in matrix granules for colon-specific drug delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 184, 3, 251-261.

Halsas, M., Ervasti, P., Veski, P., Jürjenson, H, Marvola, M., 1998. Biopharmaceutical evaluation of time-controlled press-coated tablets containing polymers to adjust drug release. European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 23, 2, 190-196.

Halsas, M., Simelius, R., Kiviniemi, A., Veski, P., Jürjenson, H., Marvola, M., 1998. Effect of different combinations of HPMC on bioavailability of ibuprofen from press-coated time-controlled tablets. S.T.P. Pharma, 8, 3, 155-161.

Petri, G., Veszki, P., Oroszlan, P., Turiak, Gy., 1996. Cannabinoid content of foreign and domestic fibre hemp cultivated in Hungary. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 44, 2, 133-140.

Petri, G., Nyiredy, Sz., Veszki, P., Oroszlan, P., Turiak, Gy., 1995. Gas-chromatographic analyses of cannabinoids on tandem columns. Acta Pharm. Hung., 65, 63-67.

Veski, P., Lepist, I., Jürjenson, H., Marvola, M., 1995. Prolongation of drug absorption from hard gelatin capsules using different viscosity grades of sodium alginates as diluents. Proc. 1st World Meeting APGI/APV, 929-930.

Sirkiä, T., Salonen, H., Veski, P., Jürjenson, H., Marvola, M., 1994. Biopharmaceutical evaluation of new prolonged-release press-coated ibuprofen tablets containing sodium alginate to adjust drug release. Int. J. Pharm., 107, 179-187.

Veski, P., Marvola, M., Smal, J., Heiskanen, I., Jürjenson, H., 1994. Biopharmaceutical evaluation of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride capsules containing different grades of sodium alginate. Int. J. Pharm., 111, 171-179.

Veski, P., Marvola, M., 1993. Sodium alginates as diluents in hard gelatin capsules containing ibuprofen as a model drug. Pharmazie, 48, 757-760.

Veski, P., Marvola, M., Klinge, E., Jürjenson, H., 1993. Bioavailability of ibuprofen from hard gelatin capsules containing sodium alginates Eur. J. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet., Special Issue IV, 158-163.

Veski, P., Marvola, M., 1991. Design and use of equipment for simulation of plug formation in hard gelatin capsule filling machines. Acta Pharm. Fenn., 100, 19-25.

VerzarPetri G., Veski P., Meszaros S. Morphological comparison of local hemp varieties Acta Agronomica Hungarica 30 (3-4): 350-371 1981.

Veszki, P., Verzar-Petri, G., Mezaros, S., 1980. Comparative phytochemical study on cannabinoid composition of the geographical varieties of the Cannabis sativa L. under the same conditions. Acta Horticulturae, 96, 95-103.

Lemberkovics E., Veszki P., VerzarPetri G. Trka A. Contributions to the essential oil composition of the flowers and leaves of Cannabis sativa L. Planta Medica 36(3): 271-272 1979.

VerzarPetri G., Veszki P., Meszaros S.. Comparative phytochamical study of the cannabinoid composition of geographical varieties of Cannabis sativa L. under the same conditions. Planta Medica 36(3): 258-259 1979.

viimati muudetud: 09.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Peep
2.Surname Veski
3.Institution Institute of Pharmacy, University of Tartu
4.Position Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, Head of the Institute
5.Date of birth 10.01.1950 (day.month.year)
6.Education Semmelweis University - graduated in 1975, pharmacist
7.Research and
professional experience
1980-1981 - Assistant Professor, Institute of Pharmacy, University of Tartu
1981-1986 - Senior Lecturer, Institute of Pharmacy, University of Tartu
1986-1998 - Associate Professor, Institute of Pharmacy, University of Tartu
1998- - Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, head of the Institute of Pharmacy, University of Tartu
8.Academic degree Candidate of Biological Sciences
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1980
University of Helsinki, 1994
10.Honours/awards Correspondant Academicien of the Spanish Royal Academy of Pharmacy, 2003
Member of Group of Experts 12 (Galenical Products) - European Pharmacopoeia
Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine - 01.02.1998-15.03.2002
Member of the Executive Committee of European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy
Member of several working group of European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences
Expert of EMEA
Member of the Commission of Pharmaceutical Terminology of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia
Reviewer of European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Member of the Editorial Board of the "Ars Pharmaceutica" and "Euro Pharma Faculties News"
12.Supervised dissertations

Eve-Irene Lepist, DSc, 2000, superv. Peep Veski. Oral peptide prodrugs - studies on stability and absorption. Tartu Ülikool

Ivika Leik, MSc, 1996, superv. Peep Veski. Ravimi toimekestvuse reguleerimine kõvades zhelatiinkapslites ex tempore moodustuva kaltsiumalginaadi abil. Tartu Ülikool

Piret Ansko, MSc, 1996, superv. Peep Veski. Raviaine vabanemise kiirus ja kineetika kui peroraalsete tahkete ravimpreparaatide toime kestvust reguleerivad tegurid. Tartu Ülikool

Eve-Irene Lepist, MSc, 1995, superv. Peep Veski. Naatriunalginaadi geelistumise mehhanism ja pressimisjõu toime raviaine vabanemisele kõvadest zhelatiinkapslitest. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Evaluation of modified-release (model)formulations
- time-controlled-release formulations
- biopharmaceutical quality of those formulations
- chronobiopharmaceutical investigations
- evaluation of colon-specific drug delivery systems and biopharmaceutical quality of those DDS
- using different biopolymers (alginates, chitosan) as drug release regulating excipients
In vitro-in vivo correlations of biopharmaceutical characteristics of oral solid dosage forms
Improvement of in vitro methods for dissolution test of modified-release solid oral dosage forms
Evaluation and improvement of the composition of oral solid dosage forms (hard capsules), biopharmaceutical quality of those formulations
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Nykänen, P., Sten, T., Jürjenson, H., Veski, P., Marvola, M., 2003. citric acid as a pH-regulating additive in granules and the tablet matrix in enteric-coated formulations for colon-specific drug delivery. Pharmazie, 59. 268-273.

Säkkinen, M., Linna, A., Ojala, S., Jürjenson, H., Veski, P., Marvola, M., 2003. In vivo evaluation of matrix granules containing microcrystalline chitosan as a gel-forming excipient. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 250, 227-237.

Säkkinen, M., Tuononen, T., Jürjenson, H. Veski, P. Marvola, M., 2003.Evaluation of microcrystalline chitosan for gastro-retentive drug delivery. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 19, 345-353.

Raal, A., Hinrikus, T., Veski, P., 2002.The teaching of pharmacy at the University of Tartu through the centuries. Pharmacy Education, 2(2), 93-96

Halsas, M., Penttinen, T., Veski, P., Jürjenson, H., Marvola, M., 2001. Time- controlled release pseudoephedrine tablets: bioavailability and in vitro/in vivo correlations. Die Pharmazie, 56, 9, 718-723.

Nykänen, P., Lempää, S., Aaltonen, M.-L., Jürjenson, H., Veski, P., Marvola, M., 2001. Citric acid as excipient in multiple-unit enteric-coated tablets for targeting drugs on the colon. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 229, 1-2, 155-162.

Lepist, E.-I., Kusk, T., Larsen, D.H., Andersen, D., Frokjaer, S., Taub, M.E., Veski, P., Lennernäs, H., Friedrichsen, G., Steffansen, B., 2000. Stability and in vitro metabolism of dipeptide model prodrugs with affinity for the oligopeptide transporter. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11, 1, 43-50.

Säkkinen, M., Seppälä, U., Heinänen, P., Veski, P., Marvola, M., 2000. in vitro evaluation of microcrystalline chitosan and its characteristics as a release rate modifying excipient. Proc. 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 41-42.

Ansko, P., Paavo, M., Veski, P., 1999. Using of the different increasing pH methods for dissolution test of nifedipine modified release formulations. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8S 39.

Halsas, M., Hietala, Veski, P., Jürjenson, H., Marvola, M., 1999. Morning versus evening dosing of ibuprofen using conventional and time-controlled release formulations. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 189, 1, 179-185.

Nykänen, P. Krogars, M., Säkkinen, M., Heinämäki, J., Jürjenson, H., Veski, P., Marvola, M., 1999. Organic acids as excipients in matrix granules for colon-specific drug delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 184, 3, 251-261.

Halsas, M., Ervasti, P., Veski, P., Jürjenson, H, Marvola, M., 1998. Biopharmaceutical evaluation of time-controlled press-coated tablets containing polymers to adjust drug release. European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 23, 2, 190-196.

Halsas, M., Simelius, R., Kiviniemi, A., Veski, P., Jürjenson, H., Marvola, M., 1998. Effect of different combinations of HPMC on bioavailability of ibuprofen from press-coated time-controlled tablets. S.T.P. Pharma, 8, 3, 155-161.

Petri, G., Veszki, P., Oroszlan, P., Turiak, Gy., 1996. Cannabinoid content of foreign and domestic fibre hemp cultivated in Hungary. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 44, 2, 133-140.

Petri, G., Nyiredy, Sz., Veszki, P., Oroszlan, P., Turiak, Gy., 1995. Gas-chromatographic analyses of cannabinoids on tandem columns. Acta Pharm. Hung., 65, 63-67.

Veski, P., Lepist, I., Jürjenson, H., Marvola, M., 1995. Prolongation of drug absorption from hard gelatin capsules using different viscosity grades of sodium alginates as diluents. Proc. 1st World Meeting APGI/APV, 929-930.

Sirkiä, T., Salonen, H., Veski, P., Jürjenson, H., Marvola, M., 1994. Biopharmaceutical evaluation of new prolonged-release press-coated ibuprofen tablets containing sodium alginate to adjust drug release. Int. J. Pharm., 107, 179-187.

Veski, P., Marvola, M., Smal, J., Heiskanen, I., Jürjenson, H., 1994. Biopharmaceutical evaluation of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride capsules containing different grades of sodium alginate. Int. J. Pharm., 111, 171-179.

Veski, P., Marvola, M., 1993. Sodium alginates as diluents in hard gelatin capsules containing ibuprofen as a model drug. Pharmazie, 48, 757-760.

Veski, P., Marvola, M., Klinge, E., Jürjenson, H., 1993. Bioavailability of ibuprofen from hard gelatin capsules containing sodium alginates Eur. J. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet., Special Issue IV, 158-163.

Veski, P., Marvola, M., 1991. Design and use of equipment for simulation of plug formation in hard gelatin capsule filling machines. Acta Pharm. Fenn., 100, 19-25.

VerzarPetri G., Veski P., Meszaros S. Morphological comparison of local hemp varieties Acta Agronomica Hungarica 30 (3-4): 350-371 1981.

Veszki, P., Verzar-Petri, G., Mezaros, S., 1980. Comparative phytochemical study on cannabinoid composition of the geographical varieties of the Cannabis sativa L. under the same conditions. Acta Horticulturae, 96, 95-103.

Lemberkovics E., Veszki P., VerzarPetri G. Trka A. Contributions to the essential oil composition of the flowers and leaves of Cannabis sativa L. Planta Medica 36(3): 271-272 1979.

VerzarPetri G., Veszki P., Meszaros S.. Comparative phytochamical study of the cannabinoid composition of geographical varieties of Cannabis sativa L. under the same conditions. Planta Medica 36(3): 258-259 1979.

last updated: 09.10.2005

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