[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Teet
2.Perekonnanimi Örd
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, teoreetilise füüsika instituut
4.Ametikoht dotsent
5.Sünniaeg 18.06.1954 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool, füüsika-keemiateaduskond, füüsikaosakond, 1978
7.Teenistuskäik 1978-1981, Eesti TA Füüsika Instituut, aspirant;
1981-1986, Eesti TA Füüsika Instituut, nooremteadur;
1986-1994, Eesti TA Füüsika Instituut, teadur;
1994-1996, Eesti TA Füüsika Instituut, vanemteadur;
Alates 1996.a. Tartu Ülikooli teoreetilise füüsika instituudi dotsent.
8.Teaduskraad füüsika-matemaatikakandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Füüsika Instituut, 1984
10.Tunnustused Eesti teaduspreemia 2004
ja –administratiivne
TÜ füüsika-keemiateaduskonna nõukogu akadeemiline sekretär;
TÜ füüsikaosakonna nõukogu liige;
TÜ füüsika-alaste magistritööde kaitsmiskomisjoni liige.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Artjom Vargunin, MSc, 2006, juh. Teet Örd, Risto Tammelo. Stohhastiline resonants pehmetel potentsiaalidel. Tartu

Els Heinsalu, MSc, 2004, juh. Teet Örd, Risto Tammelo. Diffusion and coherence of Brownian particles in tilted periodic potentials. Tartu

Anti Liivat, MSc, 2002, juh. Teet Örd. Fluctuations of superconductivity order parameters in a two-band model. Tartu

Küllike Rägo, MSc, 2002, juh. Teet Örd. MgB_2 omaduste kirjeldamine kahepilulises ülijuhtivusmudelis. Tartu

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad tahkiseteooria, ülijuhtivuse teooria, fluktuatiivsed nähtused faasisiiretes, stohhastilised protsessid
14.Jooksvad grandid SA Eesti Teadusfond grant nr 6540 (2005-2007, põhitäitja);
SA Eesti Teadusfond grant nr 5662 (2003-2005, põhitäitja);
Sihtfinantseeritav teadusteema nr 0182647s04 (2004-2008, põhitäitja)

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, P.Rubin. Doping dependence of cuprate coherence length, paired carrier effective mass and penetration depth in a two-component model. Physica C, v. 437-438, p. 168-170 (2006).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, P.Rubin. Doping dependence of cuprate coherence length, supercarrier effective mass and penetration depth in a two-component scenario. In: Electron correlation in new materials and nanosystems. Ed. K.Scharnberg and S.Kruchinin. Springer Verlag, accepted for publication.

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel, K.Rägo. Free energy functional and critical magnetic fields anisotropy in magnesium diboride. In: Electron correlation in new materials and nanosystems. Ed. K.Scharnberg and S.Kruchinin. Springer Verlag, accepted for publication.

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel, K.Rägo. Free energy functional and critical magnetic fields of a two-gap superconductor with intra- and interband interactions. Physica C, v. 437-438, p. 251-253 (2006).

E.Heinsalu, T.Örd, R.Tammelo. Peculiarities of Brownian motion depending on the structure of the periodic potentials. Acta Physica Polonica B, v. 36, p. 1613-1622 (2005).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, P.Rubin. Cuprate interband model and doping dependence of the coherence length. cond-mat/0504431 V2 (2005).

T.Örd, E.Heinsalu, R.Tammelo. Suppression of diffusion by a weak external field in periodic potentials. European Phys. Journ. B, v. 47, No. 2, p. 275-279 (2005).

E.Heinsalu, R.Tammelo, T.Örd. Correlation between diffusion and coherence in Brownian motion on a tilted periodic potential. Physica A, v. 340, p. 292-297 (2004).

E.Heinsalu, R.Tammelo, T.Örd. Diffusion and current of Brownian particles in tilted piecewise linear potentials: Amplification and coherence. Phys. Rev. E, v. 69, p. 021111 - 1-7 (2004).

E.Heinsalu, T.Örd, R.Tammelo. Diffusion and coherence in tilted linear double-periodic potentials. Phys. Rev. E, v. 70, p. 041104 - 1-8 (2004).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Magnesium diboride superconductivity. Institute of Physics, University of Tartu: Biannual Report 2002/2003, p. 35-40 (2004).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, K.Rägo. A description of MgB2 superconductivity including - bands coupling. Journal of Superconductivity, v. 16, p. 517-519 (2003)

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, K.Rägo. MgB_2 two-gap superconductivity with intra- and interband couplings. Europhys. Lett , v. 61, p. 109-115 (2003).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel, K.Rägo. MgB_2 superconductivity properties in a two-gap model. Modern Phys. Lett. B, v. 17, p. 667-673 (2003).

E.Heinsalu, R.Tammelo, T.Örd. On the amplification of diffusion by direct current. cond-mat/0208532, 9 p. (2002).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, K.Rägo. Mechanism of MgB2 superconductivity with interband pair-transfer interaction. Int. J. Modern Phys. B, v. 16, No. 11&12, p. 1585-1589 (2002).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. A two-band approach to MgB2 superconductivity. In: New Trends in Superconductivity. Eds. J.F.Annett, S.Kruchinin. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, p. 235-243.

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Modeling MgB_2 two-gap superconductivity. Physica C, v. 370, p. 17-20 (2002).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Two-band model and MgB2 superconductivity. cond-mat/0103536, 6 p. (2001).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Isotope effect of paired carriers effective mass in a two-component pair-transfer superconductor. Physica B, v. 284, p. 399-400 (2000).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Two relaxation times and the high-Tc superconductivity two-component scenario. Physica C, v. 331, p.13-17 (2000).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Supercarrier effective mass isotope effect by interband scattering. J. Low Temperature Phys., v. 117, No. 3 / 4, p. 253-257 (1999).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Paired carrier effective mass isotope effect in the two-band model. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), v. 216, No. 2, p. 1049-1056 (1999).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On the fluctuation-induced superconductivity pseudogap. Physica C, v. 298, p. 37-40 (1998).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. The pseudogap and superconductivity oder parameter fluctuations. Int. J. Modern Phys. B, v. 12, No. 29-31, p. 3106-3109 (1998).

T.Örd. On mean-field free energy and order parameters of an interband pair-transfer superconductor. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., v. 47, No. 1, p. 63-68 (1998).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Vibronic dynamical instability in presence of strongly correlated electron subsystem. Z. Phys. Chemie, v. 201, p.167-173 (1997).

N.Kristoffel, P.Konsin, T.Örd. Two-band model for high-temperature superconductivity. La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, v. 17, No. 9, p. 1-41 (1994).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Interband model for the superconductivity of AxC60. Fullerene Science and Technology, v. 2, No. 3, p. 201-212 (1994).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, P.Konsin. The sign of interband interaction and stability of superconducting ground state in the multiband model. Il Nuovo Cimento, v. 16D, No. 3, p. 311-314 (1994).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Interband mechanism for superconductivity in AxC60. In: Fullerenes: Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and related Materials. Eds. K.M.Kadish, R.S.Ruoff. The Electrochemical Society Inc., 1994, p. 1628-1644.

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On the possibility of HTSC in a two-band model with a semiconducting gap (AxC60). Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), v. 175, No. 1, p. K9-K12 (1993).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. High-temperature superconductivity of perovskites in a two-band model. Ferroelectrics, v. 144, No. 1-4, Part II, p. 83-90 (1993).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On the composition-dependent isotope effect in HTSC in the two-band model. Ann. Phys., v. 2, No. 2, p. 279-283 (1993).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Perovskiitide kõrgtemperatuurne ülijuhtivus kahetsoonilises mudelis. Eesti Füüsika Seltsi aastaraamat 1992. Tartu, 1993, lk. 26-39.

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Two-band model of HTSC with the account of intraband Coulombic and electron-phonon interactions. Ukr. Fiz. J., v. 38, No. 1, p. 131-135 (1993). (In Russian).

P.Konsin, T.Örd. Thermodynamic characteristics of a high-Tc two-band superconductor. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), v. 175, No. 1, p. 165-173 (1993).

P.Konsin, T.Örd. Free energy of the high-Tc two-band superconductor and the temperature dependence of gaps in the phase transition region. Physica C, v. 191, No. 3-4, p. 469-476 (1992).

T.Örd. On interpretation of superconducting orders induced by interband repulsion and attraction. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., v. 41, No. 4, p. 283-287 (1992).

N.N.Kristoffel, T.A.Erd. On the nature of tetragonal–orthorhombic transition in La2-xMxCuO4. Fiz. Nizk. Temp., v. 17, No. 10, p. 1218-1221 (1991); Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys., 17, No. 10, p. 641-643 (1991).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Application of the interband model to the dependence of Tc on oxegen in Y1Ba2Cu3O7-y. Phys. Lett. A, v. 143, No. 1,2, p. 83-84 (1990).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. High-Tc superconductivity induced by interband interaction. In: Phonons 89. Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Phonon Physics and Sixth Int Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter. Ed. S.Hunclinger, W.Ludwig, G.Weiss. World Scientific, 1990, p.283-285.

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On phonon softening in a quantum ferroelectric. In: Phonons 89. Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Phonon Physics and Sixth Int. Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter. Ed. S.Hunclinger, W.Ludwig, G.Weiss. World Scientific, 1990, p.145-147.

P.Konsin, T.Örd. The influence of hydrostatic pressure on properties of displacive ferroelectrics. Ferroelectrics, v. 104, p. 337-341 (1990).

N.Kristoffel, P.Konsin, H.Käämbre, B.Sorkin, A.Frorip, M.Elango, T.Örd. Shift of the Fermi level controlling superconductivity in Y1Ba2Cu3O7-y. Superconductivity: Phys. Chem. Tech., v. 2, No. 11, p. 24-27 (1989). (In Russian)

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On the interband mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity. In: High-Temperature Superconductivity: Actual Problems. No. 1. Leningrad, 1989, p. 182-198. (In Russian)

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On the possibility of the interband electron-phonon mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Phys. Math., v. 38, No. 1, p. 19-22 (1989). (In Russian)

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. The role of the Fermi level position in high-Tc superconductivity in the interband model. Phys. Lett. A, v. 137, No. 7,8, p. 420-422 (1989).

P.Konsin, T.Örd. Change of the order of ferroelectric phase transition under hydrostatic pressure. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., v. 38, No. 4, p. 457-459 (1989).

P.Konsin, T.Örd. Influence of hydrostatic pressure on the ferroelectric phase transition temperature in (Pb,Sn)Te. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), v. 156, No. 1, p. K37-K38 (1989).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Temperature dependences of the characteristics of a quantum ferroelectric. Ferroelectrics, v. 83, p. 99-103 (1988).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. The interband interaction as a possible cause of high-temperature superconductivity. Phys. Lett. A, v. 129, No. 5,6, p. 339-342 (1988).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. The interband interaction as a possible cause of high-temperature superconductivity. Preprint F-45 (1988), 11 p. (In Russian)

P.Konsin, T.Örd. The first order ferroelectric phase transitions in the external magnetic field. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Phys. Math., v. 37, No. 3, p. 263-268 (1988). (In Russian)

P.I.Konsin, N.N.Kristoffel, T.A.Örd. On the temperature dependence of the characteristics of a quantum ferroelectric. Fiz. Nizk. Temp., v. 13, No. 11, p.1199-1203 (1987); Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys., v. 13, No. 11, p. 678-680 (1987).

T.Örd. Influence of the magnetic field on the lattice dynamics of an ionic crystal in the long-wave limit. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Phys. Math., v. 36, No. 1, p. 48-50 (1987).

T.A.Örd. Broadening of the frequency spectrum of an ionic crystal lattice in the magnetic field. Fiz. Tverd. Tela, v. 28, No. 12, p. 3749-3750 (1986); Sov. Phys. Solid State, v. 28, No. 12, p. 2113 (1986).

N.Kristoffel, P.Konsin, T.Örd. Magnetic-field-induced effects in vibronic structural phase transitions. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Phys. Math., v. 36, No. 1, p. 8-13 (1985). (In Russian)

T.Örd. Influence of strong spin splitting on ferroelectric phase transitions in narrow-band semiconductors. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Phys. Math., v. 34, No. 4, p. 388-395 (1985). (In Russian)

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Magnetic field influence on ferroelectric phase transitions in BaTiO3-type systems. Solid State Commun., v. 49, No. 4, p. 351-355 (1984).

P.Konsin, T.Örd. Displacive ferroelectric phase transitions in the external magnetic field. In: Synergetics. Proc. Int. Symp. “Synergetics and Cooperative Phenomena in Solids and Macromolecules”. Ed. A.Sherman. Valgus, Tallinn, 1983, p. 71-82.

V.Altukhov, A.Gulbis, P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Some results in the vibronic theory of ferroelectricity. In: Cooperative phenomena. Proc. Int. Symp. “Synergetics and Cooperative Phenomena in Solids and Macromolecules”. Ed. A.Sherman. Valgus, Tallinn, 1983, p. 80-95.

P.Konsin, T.Örd. Dependence of the ferroelectric characteristics of narrow-gap semiconductors on the magnetic field. Ferroelectrics, v. 45, p. 121-129 (1982).

P.Konsin, T.Örd. Influence of a magnetic field on the characteristics of a ferroelectric-semiconductor. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b ), v. 97, No. 2, p. 609-615 (1980).

viimati muudetud: 23.11.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Teet
2.Surname Örd
3.Institution Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Tartu
4.Position Assoc. Prof.
5.Date of birth 18.06.1954 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, Department of Physics, 1978
7.Research and
professional experience
1978-1981, Institute of Physics, Estonian Acad. Sci., post-graduate student;
1981-1986, Institute of Physics, Estonian Acad. Sci., junior research associate;
1986-1994, Institute of Physics, Estonian Acad. Sci., research associate;
1994-1996, Institute of Physics, Estonian Acad. Sci., senior research associate;
1996-present, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Tartu, Assoc. Prof.
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1984, Institute of Physics, Estonian Acad. Sci.
10.Honours/awards Estonian Science Prize 2004
Academic secretary of the Council of Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, University of Tartu;
Member of the Council of Department of Physics, University of Tartu;
Member of the MSc (Physics) Awarding Board of Tartu University.
12.Supervised dissertations

Artjom Vargunin, MSc, 2006, superv. Teet Örd, Risto Tammelo. Stohhastiline resonants pehmetel potentsiaalidel. Tartu

Els Heinsalu, MSc, 2004, superv. Teet Örd, Risto Tammelo. Diffusion and coherence of Brownian particles in tilted periodic potentials. Tartu

Anti Liivat, MSc, 2002, superv. Teet Örd. Fluctuations of superconductivity order parameters in a two-band model. Tartu

Küllike Rägo, MSc, 2002, superv. Teet Örd. MgB_2 omaduste kirjeldamine kahepilulises ülijuhtivusmudelis. Tartu

13.Current research program condensed matter theory, theory of superconductivity, fluctuative phenomena in phase transitions, stochastic processes
14.Current grant funding Estonian Science Foundation Grant No 6540 (2005-2007, senior personnel);
Estonian Science Foundation Grant No 5662 (2003-2005, senior personnel);
Target financed research project No 0182647s04 (2004-2008, senior personnel)
15.List of most important publications

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, P.Rubin. Doping dependence of cuprate coherence length, paired carrier effective mass and penetration depth in a two-component model. Physica C, v. 437-438, p. 168-170 (2006).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, P.Rubin. Doping dependence of cuprate coherence length, supercarrier effective mass and penetration depth in a two-component scenario. In: Electron correlation in new materials and nanosystems. Ed. K.Scharnberg and S.Kruchinin. Springer Verlag, accepted for publication.

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel, K.Rägo. Free energy functional and critical magnetic fields anisotropy in magnesium diboride. In: Electron correlation in new materials and nanosystems. Ed. K.Scharnberg and S.Kruchinin. Springer Verlag, accepted for publication.

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel, K.Rägo. Free energy functional and critical magnetic fields of a two-gap superconductor with intra- and interband interactions. Physica C, v. 437-438, p. 251-253 (2006).

E.Heinsalu, T.Örd, R.Tammelo. Peculiarities of Brownian motion depending on the structure of the periodic potentials. Acta Physica Polonica B, v. 36, p. 1613-1622 (2005).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, P.Rubin. Cuprate interband model and doping dependence of the coherence length. cond-mat/0504431 V2 (2005).

T.Örd, E.Heinsalu, R.Tammelo. Suppression of diffusion by a weak external field in periodic potentials. European Phys. Journ. B, v. 47, No. 2, p. 275-279 (2005).

E.Heinsalu, R.Tammelo, T.Örd. Correlation between diffusion and coherence in Brownian motion on a tilted periodic potential. Physica A, v. 340, p. 292-297 (2004).

E.Heinsalu, R.Tammelo, T.Örd. Diffusion and current of Brownian particles in tilted piecewise linear potentials: Amplification and coherence. Phys. Rev. E, v. 69, p. 021111 - 1-7 (2004).

E.Heinsalu, T.Örd, R.Tammelo. Diffusion and coherence in tilted linear double-periodic potentials. Phys. Rev. E, v. 70, p. 041104 - 1-8 (2004).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Magnesium diboride superconductivity. Institute of Physics, University of Tartu: Biannual Report 2002/2003, p. 35-40 (2004).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, K.Rägo. A description of MgB2 superconductivity including - bands coupling. Journal of Superconductivity, v. 16, p. 517-519 (2003)

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, K.Rägo. MgB_2 two-gap superconductivity with intra- and interband couplings. Europhys. Lett , v. 61, p. 109-115 (2003).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel, K.Rägo. MgB_2 superconductivity properties in a two-gap model. Modern Phys. Lett. B, v. 17, p. 667-673 (2003).

E.Heinsalu, R.Tammelo, T.Örd. On the amplification of diffusion by direct current. cond-mat/0208532, 9 p. (2002).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, K.Rägo. Mechanism of MgB2 superconductivity with interband pair-transfer interaction. Int. J. Modern Phys. B, v. 16, No. 11&12, p. 1585-1589 (2002).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. A two-band approach to MgB2 superconductivity. In: New Trends in Superconductivity. Eds. J.F.Annett, S.Kruchinin. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, p. 235-243.

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Modeling MgB_2 two-gap superconductivity. Physica C, v. 370, p. 17-20 (2002).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Two-band model and MgB2 superconductivity. cond-mat/0103536, 6 p. (2001).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Isotope effect of paired carriers effective mass in a two-component pair-transfer superconductor. Physica B, v. 284, p. 399-400 (2000).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Two relaxation times and the high-Tc superconductivity two-component scenario. Physica C, v. 331, p.13-17 (2000).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Supercarrier effective mass isotope effect by interband scattering. J. Low Temperature Phys., v. 117, No. 3 / 4, p. 253-257 (1999).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Paired carrier effective mass isotope effect in the two-band model. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), v. 216, No. 2, p. 1049-1056 (1999).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On the fluctuation-induced superconductivity pseudogap. Physica C, v. 298, p. 37-40 (1998).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. The pseudogap and superconductivity oder parameter fluctuations. Int. J. Modern Phys. B, v. 12, No. 29-31, p. 3106-3109 (1998).

T.Örd. On mean-field free energy and order parameters of an interband pair-transfer superconductor. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., v. 47, No. 1, p. 63-68 (1998).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Vibronic dynamical instability in presence of strongly correlated electron subsystem. Z. Phys. Chemie, v. 201, p.167-173 (1997).

N.Kristoffel, P.Konsin, T.Örd. Two-band model for high-temperature superconductivity. La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, v. 17, No. 9, p. 1-41 (1994).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Interband model for the superconductivity of AxC60. Fullerene Science and Technology, v. 2, No. 3, p. 201-212 (1994).

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd, P.Konsin. The sign of interband interaction and stability of superconducting ground state in the multiband model. Il Nuovo Cimento, v. 16D, No. 3, p. 311-314 (1994).

T.Örd, N.Kristoffel. Interband mechanism for superconductivity in AxC60. In: Fullerenes: Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and related Materials. Eds. K.M.Kadish, R.S.Ruoff. The Electrochemical Society Inc., 1994, p. 1628-1644.

N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On the possibility of HTSC in a two-band model with a semiconducting gap (AxC60). Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), v. 175, No. 1, p. K9-K12 (1993).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. High-temperature superconductivity of perovskites in a two-band model. Ferroelectrics, v. 144, No. 1-4, Part II, p. 83-90 (1993).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On the composition-dependent isotope effect in HTSC in the two-band model. Ann. Phys., v. 2, No. 2, p. 279-283 (1993).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Perovskiitide kõrgtemperatuurne ülijuhtivus kahetsoonilises mudelis. Eesti Füüsika Seltsi aastaraamat 1992. Tartu, 1993, lk. 26-39.

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Two-band model of HTSC with the account of intraband Coulombic and electron-phonon interactions. Ukr. Fiz. J., v. 38, No. 1, p. 131-135 (1993). (In Russian).

P.Konsin, T.Örd. Thermodynamic characteristics of a high-Tc two-band superconductor. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), v. 175, No. 1, p. 165-173 (1993).

P.Konsin, T.Örd. Free energy of the high-Tc two-band superconductor and the temperature dependence of gaps in the phase transition region. Physica C, v. 191, No. 3-4, p. 469-476 (1992).

T.Örd. On interpretation of superconducting orders induced by interband repulsion and attraction. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., v. 41, No. 4, p. 283-287 (1992).

N.N.Kristoffel, T.A.Erd. On the nature of tetragonal–orthorhombic transition in La2-xMxCuO4. Fiz. Nizk. Temp., v. 17, No. 10, p. 1218-1221 (1991); Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys., 17, No. 10, p. 641-643 (1991).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. Application of the interband model to the dependence of Tc on oxegen in Y1Ba2Cu3O7-y. Phys. Lett. A, v. 143, No. 1,2, p. 83-84 (1990).

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. High-Tc superconductivity induced by interband interaction. In: Phonons 89. Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Phonon Physics and Sixth Int Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter. Ed. S.Hunclinger, W.Ludwig, G.Weiss. World Scientific, 1990, p.283-285.

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On phonon softening in a quantum ferroelectric. In: Phonons 89. Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Phonon Physics and Sixth Int. Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter. Ed. S.Hunclinger, W.Ludwig, G.Weiss. World Scientific, 1990, p.145-147.

P.Konsin, T.Örd. The influence of hydrostatic pressure on properties of displacive ferroelectrics. Ferroelectrics, v. 104, p. 337-341 (1990).

N.Kristoffel, P.Konsin, H.Käämbre, B.Sorkin, A.Frorip, M.Elango, T.Örd. Shift of the Fermi level controlling superconductivity in Y1Ba2Cu3O7-y. Superconductivity: Phys. Chem. Tech., v. 2, No. 11, p. 24-27 (1989). (In Russian)

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On the interband mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity. In: High-Temperature Superconductivity: Actual Problems. No. 1. Leningrad, 1989, p. 182-198. (In Russian)

P.Konsin, N.Kristoffel, T.Örd. On the possibility of the interband electron-phonon mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Phys. Math., v. 38, No. 1, p. 19-22 (1989). (In Russian)

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last updated: 23.11.2005

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