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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Peet
2.Perekonnanimi Konsin
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut (TÜ FI), tahke keha teooria labor
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 15.05.1939 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool 1963.a., teoreetiline füüsika
7.Teenistuskäik Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut, vanemõpetaja, 1963.a.; sundteenimine nõukogude armees, 1963-1965.a.; Füüsika Instituut, Tartu: aspirantuur, 1965-1968.a.; nooremteadur, 1968-1974.a.; vanemteadur, 1974-1986.a.; juhtteadur, 1986-1995.a.; vanemteadur seoses juhtteadurite ümbernimetamisega vanemteaduriteks vastavalt teadusseadusele, alates 1. juulist 1995.a.
8.Teaduskraad Füüsika-matemaatikadoktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Füüsika Instituut, 1977, VAK-i kinnitus 1978.a., doktoridissertatsiooni teema: ”Struktuursete faasisiirete vibroonne ja dünaamiline teooria”
10.Tunnustused 1977.a. omistati VAK-i vanemteaduri kutse, teaduspublikatsioonide arv 193, ISI artiklite tsiteeringuid 563; Elulugu on lülitatud "The International Who`s Who of Intellectuals", “Dictionary of International Biography", "Men of Achievement" (1996), "Who`s Who in the World " (15-th Edition1998) ja kolme entsüklopeediasse
ja –administratiivne
Olin TÜ ja FI kandidaadi-, doktori-, Ph.D. tööde kaitsmisnõukogu liige. Olen osalenud paljude teaduskonverentside organiseerimisel. Olen oponeerinud diplomi-, magistri-, kandidaadi-, Ph.D.- ja doktoritöid., 1978-1989 olin FI nõukogu liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Teet Örd, cand, 1984, juh. Peet Konsin. Nihke tüüpi ferroelektrikutes magnetoindutseeritud efektide teooria. Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituu

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Struktuursete faasisiirete teooria tahkistes, ferroelektri mikroskoopiline teooria, ülijuhtivuse teooria, elektrivälja efektid ülijuhtivates kiledes, töid pooljuhtide teooriast, grafiitkiilstruktuurid, nanostruktuurid
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grandi No.6539 "Ferroelektriliste ja ülijuhtivate kilede omadused elektri- ja magnetväljas ning fotoindutseeritud nähtused", 01.01.2005-31.12.2007, grandihoidja

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, A gigantic photoinduced dielectric constant of quantum paraelectric perovskite oxides under a weak electric field in the electron-lattice theory, Ferroelectrics, 320, 69-74, 2005.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Off-center displacements of Ti ions in oxide ferroelectrics and a gigantic photo-induced dielectric constant of quantum paraelectric perovskite oxides in the electron-lattice theory, J. Physics: Conference Series 21, 167-172, 2005.

2. P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Influence of external fields on the properties of SrTi(16O1-x18Ox)3 at oxygen isotope substitution, Ferroelectrics, 308, 33-37, 2004.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, A generalized two-band model for the superconductivity in MgB2, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 17, 1472-1476, 2004.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Dependence of the dielectric constant on electric field in SrTi(16O1-x18Ox)3 at oxygen substitution, Ferroelectrics, 283, 23-38, 2003.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, A two-band electron-phonon model for superconductivity in graphite intercalation compounds, Physics of the solid state, 44, 459-460, 2002.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Microscopic electron-phonon theory of ferroelectricity in perovskite oxides, Ferroelectrics, 270, 399-404, 2002.

P. Konsin, B. Sorkin, Influence of ferroelectric polarization on the superconductivity in ultrathin high-Tc films, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13, 10031-10039, 2001.

B.Sorkin, P.Konsin, Doping Dependences of the superconducting transition temperature and the chemical potential shift in La2-xSrxCuO4 and Bi2Sr2Ca1-xYxCu2O8+d : Theory and Experiment, Physica B, 284, 1055-1056, 2000.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Dependences of the chemical potential shift and superconducting transition temperature on the hole concentration in La2-xSrxCuO4 and Bi2Sr2Ca1-xYxCu2O8+d, Supercond. Science and Technology, 13, 301-306, 2000.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Electric field effects in high-T-c cuprates, Phys. Rev. B, 58, 5795-5802, 1998.

P.Konsin, Ginzburg-Landau equations and the upper critical magnetic-field in graphite-intercalation compounds, Phys. Status Solidi B, 189, 185-191, 1995.

P.Konsin, T.Ord, Free-energy of the high-Tc 2-band superconductor and the temperature-dependence of gaps in the phase-transition region, Physica C, 191, 469-476,1992.

N.Kristoffel, P.Konsin, Vibronic theory of structural phase-transitions and displacive ferroelectrics, Phys. Status Solidi B, 149, 11-40, 1988.

P.Konsin, Structural phase-transitions of anti-ferroelectric and displacive modulated types caused by electron-phonon interaction, Phys. Status Solidi B, 86, 57-66, 1978.

viimati muudetud: 06.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Peet
2.Surname Konsin
3.Institution Institute of Physics, University of Tartu (IP UT), laboratory of solid state theory
4.Position senior scientist
5.Date of birth 15.05.1939 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu,1963, theoretical physics
7.Research and
professional experience
Tallinn Polytech. Inst., senior lectr. 1963;Institute of Physics, Tartu: postgraduate student 1965-1968; scientist 1968-1974, senior scientist, 1974-1986,leading scientist 1986-1995,senior scientist July 1995-, according to Estonian science low leading scientist was renamed to senior scientist, solid state physics
8.Academic degree D.Sc.
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
D.Sc. (theoretical and mathematical physics, Institute of Physics, 1977, (VAK, Moscow, 1978)), D.Sc. dissertation "Vibronic and dynamical theory of structural phase transitions"
10.Honours/awards 1977, senior scientist (VAK, Moscow); total number of scientific publications 193, cites on ISI articles 563;biography is included in "The International Who`s Who of Intellectuals", Dictionary of International Biography", "Men of Achievement" (1996), "Who`s Who in the World " (15-th Edition1998), three encyclopaedias
Member of Cand. Sci., Ph.D., D.Sc. committee of Institute of Physics, University of Tartu; member of Scientific Counsil of Institute of Physics, 1978-1989, participation in organization of many international conferences
12.Supervised dissertations

Teet Örd, cand, 1984, superv. Peet Konsin. Nihke tüüpi ferroelektrikutes magnetoindutseeritud efektide teooria. Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituu

13.Current research program Theory of structural phase transitions in solids, the microscopic theory of ferroelectricity, high-Tc superconductivity, electric field effects in superconducting films, graphite intercalation compounds, nanostructures
14.Current grant funding Principal investigator of Estonian Science Foundation grant No.6539 "Properties of ferroelectric and superconducting films in electric, magnetic fields and photoinduced phenomena", 01.01.2005-31.12.2007.
15.List of most important publications

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, A gigantic photoinduced dielectric constant of quantum paraelectric perovskite oxides under a weak electric field in the electron-lattice theory, Ferroelectrics, 320, 69-74, 2005.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Off-center displacements of Ti ions in oxide ferroelectrics and a gigantic photo-induced dielectric constant of quantum paraelectric perovskite oxides in the electron-lattice theory, J. Physics: Conference Series 21, 167-172, 2005.

2. P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Influence of external fields on the properties of SrTi(16O1-x18Ox)3 at oxygen isotope substitution, Ferroelectrics, 308, 33-37, 2004.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, A generalized two-band model for the superconductivity in MgB2, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 17, 1472-1476, 2004.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Dependence of the dielectric constant on electric field in SrTi(16O1-x18Ox)3 at oxygen substitution, Ferroelectrics, 283, 23-38, 2003.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, A two-band electron-phonon model for superconductivity in graphite intercalation compounds, Physics of the solid state, 44, 459-460, 2002.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Microscopic electron-phonon theory of ferroelectricity in perovskite oxides, Ferroelectrics, 270, 399-404, 2002.

P. Konsin, B. Sorkin, Influence of ferroelectric polarization on the superconductivity in ultrathin high-Tc films, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13, 10031-10039, 2001.

B.Sorkin, P.Konsin, Doping Dependences of the superconducting transition temperature and the chemical potential shift in La2-xSrxCuO4 and Bi2Sr2Ca1-xYxCu2O8+d : Theory and Experiment, Physica B, 284, 1055-1056, 2000.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Dependences of the chemical potential shift and superconducting transition temperature on the hole concentration in La2-xSrxCuO4 and Bi2Sr2Ca1-xYxCu2O8+d, Supercond. Science and Technology, 13, 301-306, 2000.

P.Konsin, B.Sorkin, Electric field effects in high-T-c cuprates, Phys. Rev. B, 58, 5795-5802, 1998.

P.Konsin, Ginzburg-Landau equations and the upper critical magnetic-field in graphite-intercalation compounds, Phys. Status Solidi B, 189, 185-191, 1995.

P.Konsin, T.Ord, Free-energy of the high-Tc 2-band superconductor and the temperature-dependence of gaps in the phase-transition region, Physica C, 191, 469-476,1992.

N.Kristoffel, P.Konsin, Vibronic theory of structural phase-transitions and displacive ferroelectrics, Phys. Status Solidi B, 149, 11-40, 1988.

P.Konsin, Structural phase-transitions of anti-ferroelectric and displacive modulated types caused by electron-phonon interaction, Phys. Status Solidi B, 86, 57-66, 1978.

last updated: 06.10.2005

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