[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Mart
2.Perekonnanimi Külvik
3.Töökoht Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, põllumajandus- ja keskkonnateaduste instituut; Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Säästva Tehnoloogia Instituut
4.Ametikoht dotsent
5.Sünniaeg 20.12.1960 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool, filosoofiadoktori kraad maastikuökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse erialal, 2002
Tartu Ülikool, teadusmagistri kraad maastikuökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse erialal, 1995
Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, bioloog-ökoloogi diplom, 1984
7.Teenistuskäik Al. 2005, TTÜ Säästva Tehnoloogia Instituut, biomitmekesisuse korralduse dotsent
Al. 2003, EMÜ Keskkonnakaitse Instituut (al 2005 põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut), looduskaitsekorralduse ja -poliitika dotsent
Al. 2002, EMÜ Keskkonnakaitse Instituudi looduskaitselabor (al 2005 põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut), vanemteadur
1998-2001, EPMÜ Keskkonnakaitse Instituudi looduskaitse uurimiskeskus, juhataja
1996-1997, Lõuna-Eesti Keskkonnakaitse Instituudi looduskaitse uurimiskeskus, juhataja
1993-1996, Metsainstituudi looduskaitse uurimiskeskus, juhataja
1991-1992, Keskkonnaministeeriumi looduskaitseosakond, juhataja
1985-1991, Tartu Linnavalitsus, linnaökoloog
1984-1985, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Tallinna Botaanikaaed, insener
8.Teaduskraad filosoofiadoktori kraad maastikuökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse erialal
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 2002
ja –administratiivne
Eesti Loodusuurijate Selts, liige
Eesti Ornitoloogiaühing, liige
Tartu Inseneride Klubi, nõukogu liige ja loodusteaduste sektsiooni esimees 1989-1994
Eesti Roheline Liikumine, asutajaliige; aseesimees 1990-1992
Eestimaa Looduse Fond, asutajaliige ja nõukogu liige 1991-1998
Eesti Natura 2000 nõukoda, liige
Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia rahvusvahelise bioloogilise mitmekesisuse aasta Eesti komisjon, liige
Rahvusvahelise Maastikuökoloogia Assotsiatsioon (IALE), liige, http://www.wetlands.org/iale/
Eesti-Soome looduskaitse koostöörühm, sekretär
Pan-Euroopa Bioloogilise ja Maastikulise Mitmekesisuse Strateegia (PEBLDS) ökoloogiliste võrgustike tegevusvaldkonna ekspertkomitee, esimees 1997-99, liige,http://www.coe.int/t/e/Cultural_Co-operation/Environment/Nature_and_biological_diversity/Ecological_networks/PEEN/03comittee_of_experts.asp#TopOfPage
Planta Europa, nõukogu liige, http://www.plantaeuropa.org/home_page.htm
Maailma Looduskaitse Liidu (IUCN) Ida-Euroopa Programm, nõukogu liige, 1992-1995
Maailma Looduskaitse Liidu (IUCN) Maailma Kaitsealade Komisjon (WCPA), liige, http://www.wcpa.info/wcpa/ev.php
Maailma Looduskaitse Liidu (IUCN) Euroopa säästva kasutuse spetsialistide grupi (ESUSG) metsanduse töörühm, liige, http://iucn.org/themes/ssc/susg/susgs/europe.html
Bioloogilise mitmekesisuse konventsiooni metsandusekspertide roster, liige
Bioloogilise mitmekesisuse konventsiooni teaduslik-tehnilise nõukogu (SBSTTA) ad hoc tehniline metsandusalane töögrupp, liige, http://www.biodiv.org/convention/sbstta.asp
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Tiina Troškin, MSc, 2004, juh. Mart Külvik. Keskkonnajärelevalvest Eesti kaitsealadel ja vastavate andmestike kasutatavusest. EPMÜ KKI

T. Sepp, MA, 2004, juh. Kaja Kährik ja Mart Külvik. Inglise-Eesti bioloogilise mitmekesisuse valiksõnastik. TÜ Germaani-romaani filoloogia osakond

Kadri Kreisman, MSc, 2003, juh. Mart Külvik, Urve Ratas. Suur-Emajõe toimimine ökoloogilise koridorina.. TPÜ Geoökoloogia

Kristiina Liimand, MSc, 2003, juh. Mart Külvik. Võldase (Cottus gobio) elupaikade kui väärtuslike veealade kaitstus Eesti vooluvetes. EPMÜ KKI

Peeter Vassiljev, MSc, 2003, juh. Mart Külvik, Kristiina Hellström. Kaasnev rekreatsioon, selle olemus ja tähtsus maastikuarhitektuurilises käsitluses. EPMÜ KKI

Kaja Allilender, MSc, 2001, juh. Kiira Aaviksoo, Mart Külvik. Soomaa rahvuspargi kaitsekorralduskava koostamise ja rakendamise metoodika. TÜ GI

Ain Vellak, MSc, 1997, juh. Ülo Mander, Mart Külvik. Eesti kaitsealade süsteem: ruumiline analüüs. TÜ GI

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Looduskaitsepoliitika ja planeerimise valdkonnas – biomitmekesisuse poliitika planeerimine kohalikul, riiklikul ja rahvusvahelisel tasemel, kaitsekorralduskavade koostamise metodoloogia ja kaitsealade klassifikatsiooni küsimused, maastikutunnetuse ja –identiteedi looduskaitse-rakenduslikud probleemid.
Maastikuökoloogia valdkonnas - ökoloogilise võrgustiku teoreetilised ja metodoloogilised probleemid Eestis ja Euroopas, metsa vääriselupaikade määratlemise metodoloogia, ökotonide problemaatika ja metsatukkade maastikuökoloogia temaatika põllumajandusmaastikes.
14.Jooksvad grandid SF0411767s01, Haruldaste, ohuststud ja probleemsete liikide ning koosluste, elupaikade ja maastike struktuur, seisund ja dünaamika ning looduskaitselised valikud Eestis, 2001 - 2005

ETF6007, Põllumajandusliku maakasutuse arengustsenaariumid ja nende mõju linnustikule, 2004 - 2007

Külvik, M., Palo, A., Kukk, Ü., Hurt, E., Kull, T., Parmasto, E., Vellak, K., Roosaluste, E, Jüriado, I., Saar, I. 2005. IPAs in Estonia. In – Important Plant Areas in Central and Eastern Europe. Plantlife International. pp. 43-46.

Palang, H., Sooväli, H., Printsmann, A., Peil, T., Kaur, E., Lang, V., Konsa M., Külvik, M., Alumäe, H. and K. Sepp. 2005. Püsivad ja muutuvad maastikud Eestis: Kultuurigeograafiline käsitlus. Akadeemia, 10: 2209-2228.

Jongman, R.H.G., Külvik, M. & Kristiansen, I. 2004. European ecological networks and greenways. Landscape and Urban Planning, 68 (2-3): 305-319.

Külvik, M. and Ü. Mander. 2004. Estonia’s ecological network - from Edg. Kant to current applications. Geographical Studies 9. Estonian Geographical Society, Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn. Pp. 146-154.

Liimand, K., and M. Külvik. 2004. Capacity-Building Needs in Estonia. In - Korn, H., Schliep R. & C. Epple (Eds.), Report of the International Workshop Capacity-Building for Biodiversity in Central and Eastern Europe. Full workshop report including presentations of initiatives, case-studies and lessons learned. BfN – Skripten 121. p. 61.

Palang, H., Sooväli, H., Printsmann, A., Peil, T., Lang, V., Konsa M., Külvik, M., Alumäe, H. and K. Sepp. 2004. Estonian cultural landscapes: persistence and change. Geographical Studies 9. Estonian Geographical Society, Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn. Pp. 155-170.

Remm K., Külvik, M., Mander, Ü. and K. Sepp. 2004. Design of the Pan-European Ecological Network: A national level attempt. In Jongman, R. and G. Pungetti (Eds.) Ecological networks and greenways, Landscape ecology, Cambridge University Press (CUP). Pp. 151-170.

Sooväli, H., Külvik, M. and H. Palang. 2004. Rural landscape representations in Estonian imagery. Geographical Studies 9. Estonian Geographical Society, Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn. Pp. 171-179.

Külvik, M., Sepp, K., Jagomägi, J. and Ü. Mander. 2003. Ecological networks in Estonia - from classical roots to current applications. In – Mander, Ü. and M. Antrop Eds., Multifunctional Landscapes, Vol. III, Continuity and change. Series: Advances in Ecological Sciences, Vol 16. WIT Press: Southampton, Boston. Pp. 263-289.

Mander, Ü., Külvik, M. & R., Jongman. 2003. Scaling in territorial ecological networks. Landschap, 20 (2): 113-127.

Sooväli, H., Palang, H., Alumäe, H., Külvik, M., Kaur, E., Oja, T., Prede, M. and T. Pae. 2003. (Traditional) landscape identity - globalized, abandoned, sustained? In: E. Tiezzi, C.A. Brebbia & J.L. Usó (eds) Ecosystems and sustainable development, Vol 2 (Advances in Ecological Sciences, 19), WIT Press, pp. 925-935

Sooväli, H., Palang, H. and M. Külvik. 2003. The role of rural landscapes in shaping Estonian national identity. In - Unwin, T. & T. Spek (eds.) European Landscapes: from Mountain to Sea. Proceedings of the 19th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape (PECSRL) at London and Aberystwyth (UK), 10-17 September 2000, Huma Publishers, Tallinn, pp. 114-121.

Külvik, M., Sooväli, H., Palang, H. and H. Alumäe. 2002. Stamps as iconographic signals of landscape identity for Estonia. In – Rural Landscapes: Past Processes and Future Strategies. Progamme, abstracts and list of participants of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, 25 August – 1 September, 2002, Tartu and Otepää, Estonia, p 29.

Thompson, I., Patterson, G., Leiner, S., Nasi, R., Pascual Pola de C. N., Sigaud, P., LeDanff, J.-P., Mulongoy, K. J., Toivonen, H., Cooper, D., Deutz, A., Diaz-Silveira M. F., Filipchuk, A.N., Henne, G., Hinchley, D., Hurtubia, J., Külvik, M., Kumari, K., Kawahara, T., Leigh, J., Quesne-Geier Le C., Manokaran, N., Mbandji, J., Nakasima, K., Ooft, M., Oteng Yeboah, A. A., Plesnik, J., Nath Rai, S., Ramos, M., Pereira, M. C. R., Rykowski, K., Saint-Laurent, C., Smith, G., Toure, B., Tol van G., Verossimo, A., Wells, A. and D. Williamson. 2002. Review of The Status and Trends of, and Major Threats to, Forest Biological Diversity. Montreal, SCBD, (CBD Technical Series no. 7), 164 p.

Külvik, M. 2001. Mida tahame maastikul kaitsta ― seisundit või protsessi? In - Palang, H. & Sooväli, H. (toim.). Maastik: loodus ja kultuur. Maastikukäsitlusi Eestis. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis Vol. 91, lk 105-107.

Külvik, M. 2001. Status of the Development and Implementation of Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans in CEE/NIS Countries and the Identification of Needs for Assistance with the Reference to the Baltic States. In Peil, T. (Ed.) Facing the New Millenium. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Environmental Conventions and the Baltic States. 25-26 October 2001, Haapsalu, Estonia. pp. 31-41.

Palang H., Alumäe H., Sooväli H. and Külvik M. 2001. Globalisation – threat to traditional landscape and local identity. European Regional Development Issues in the New Millennium and Their Impact on Economic Policy. ERSA 41th Conference Proceedings. CD Edition, Zagreb, 29.-31.8.2001, 8 pp.

Külvik, M. 1999. The Pan-European Ecological Network - Synergies with Important Plant Areas. In (Synge, H., Akeroyd, J., Eds) Planta Europa. Proceedings of the Second European Conference on the Conservation of Wild Plants, pp. 178-180.

Mander, Ü., Mikk, M. and M. Külvik. 1999. Ecological and low intensity agriculture as contributors to landscape and biological diversity. Landscape and Urban Planning. 46, 1-3: 169-177.

Külvik, M. 1998. The progress of strategies and action plans and needs for strengthening of the biodiversity process in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Planning for Biodiversity. Full Workshop Proceedings, 4-7 November 1997, Bristol, England. pp. 67-76.

Külvik, M. 1997. Status of and needs for assistance of national biodiversity strategies and action plans in the region - Results of a Survey September 1996. In Proceedings of the Regional Meeting on the Convention of Biological Diversity in Central and Eastern European Countries: Implementation of the Convention and Preparation for the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties. Bratislava, Slovakia, 30 September - 2 October 1996. Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. pp 65-71.

Külvik, M. 1997. Status of development of biodiversity strategies and action plans in Europe and identification of needs for assistance with the reference to the Baltic States. In (Editor Peterson, K.) Proceedings of the Third Conference on the Environmental Conventions and the Baltic States, 24-25 April, 1997 Sagadi, Estonia. pp. 58-69.

Külvik, M. 1997. Sustainable forestry policies: a chance for consumption analysis. In: Perspectivy trvale udrzhitelného zpúsobu zhivota. Sbornik prednashek. 29.-31. ledna 1997, Divalo Hudby, Vydavatelství Univerzity Palatckého, Olomouc. pp. 217-119.

Külvik, M. 1997. The rare plant protection scheme in Estonia. In: Kanerva, T. and Kemppainen, E., Eds. Conservation, monitoring and management of threatened vascular plants and their habitats. Presentations from an Estonian and Finnish nature conservation seminar in Helsinki, 17th-18th April, 1996. Nature Protection Publications of the Finnish Forest and Park Service Series A No 78. pp. 28-40.

Külvik, M. 1996. Analysis of some ecological paramenters of woodlots in Estonian rural landscapes. In: Mander, Ü. & Oja, T., (Compilers). Perspectives of rural landscapes in Europe. IALE International Conference, Pärnu, Estonia, 20-23 June, 1996. pp. 105-106

Külvik, M. 1996. Land re-distribution and nature conservation challenges in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Ed. J. Newton. Planta Europea. Proceedings of the First European Conference on the Conservation of Wild Plants, Hyeres, 2-8 September 1995. p. 110.

Külvik, M. 1995. Perspectives of sustainable living in Estonia. In: Dlouhv, J. (Ed. ) Perspectives of sustainable living in Europe, Japan and North America. Workshop Proceedings, Praha, December 12-14, 1994, Open Society Foundation Seminar Proceedings. pp. 158-163.

Külvik, M. 1995. The Convention on Biological Diversity: Implementation Status in Estonia. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on the Environmental Conventions and the Baltic States: Progress of Implementation. 27-28 April 1995, Pärnu, Estonia. pp 18-25.

Külvik, M. (Editor), 1994. Workshop on the Practical Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in the Baltic states. 16-18 October 1994, Tallinn. UNEP-Estonian Ministry of the Environment. Tallinn, 103 pp.

Külvik, M., Vanheijst, N., Helminen, M., Richard, D., Wascher, D. 1994. Workshop 2 species protection, habitat conservation and ecological networks. International Conference on Conserving Europes Natural Heritage - Towards a European Ecological Network, Nov 09-12, 1993 Conserving Europe's Natural Heritage - Towards a European Ecological Network 239-241.

Külvik, M. (Compiler), 1993. Estonia. Environmental Status Report 1993. IUCN EEP. Environmental Status Reports: 1993, 5: 1-78.

Külvik, M., Lotman, A. 1991. Public Participation in Revitalising the Environment in Tartu, Estonia. In - Deelstra, T. and Yanitsky, O. (Editors) Cities of Europe: the public's role in shaping the urban environment, Moscow, Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenia Publishers, pp. 271-280.

Jagomägi,J., Külvik,M., Mander, Ü. 1988. Ökotonide roll maastikus. TÜ Teaduslikud Toimetised, 808, lk. 96-118 (vene keeles).

Jagomägi,J., Külvik,M., Mander,Ü., Jacuchno,V. 1988. The structural-functional role of ecotones in the landscape. Ekológia, 7, 1, pp. 81-94.

viimati muudetud: 14.03.2006

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Mart
2.Surname Külvik
3.Institution Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian Agricultural University; Institute of Sustainable Technology, Tallinn University of Technology
4.Position docent (associate professor)
5.Date of birth 20.12.1960 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1984 BSc (biology), University of Tartu
1995 MSc (geography), University of Tartu
2002 PhD (geography), University of Tartu
7.Research and
professional experience
1984-1985 research fellow, the Tallinn Botanical Gardens of the Academy of Sciences
1985-1991 ecological adviser to Tartu Municipal Government
1991-1992 department head for nature conservation the Ministry of the Environment
1993-1996 head of Nature Conservation Research Centre, Institute of Forestry
1996-1997 head of Nature Conservation Research Centre, South-Estonian Environmental Protection Institute
1998-2001 head of Nature Conservation Research Centre, Environmental Protection Institute, Estonian Agricultural University
since 2002 - senior researcher of nature conservation laboratory, Environmental Protection Institute, Estonian Agricultural University
since 2003 – Associate Professor on nature conservation planning and policies, Estonian University of Life Sciences
since 2005 - Associate Professor on biodiversity management, Tallinn Univerisity of Technology
8.Academic degree PhD (landscape ecology and environmental protection)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 2002
member: Estonian Naturalists’ Society, Estonian Council of Natura 2000, Estonian Academy of Sciences Commission on International Biodiversity Observation Year, International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE), Estonian-Finnish Joint Conservation Commission, Committee of Experts for the European Ecological Network under the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy, chair 1997-99; Planta Europa, Steering Committee; IUCN East European Programme (EEP)Council, 1992-1995; IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA); IUCN/SSC European Sustainable Use Specialists Group (ESUGS),Roster of Experts on Forest Biological Diversity of the CBD, Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on the Review of Implementation of the Programme of Work on Forest Biological Diversity of CBD
12.Supervised dissertations

Tiina Troškin, MSc, 2004, superv. Mart Külvik. Keskkonnajärelevalvest Eesti kaitsealadel ja vastavate andmestike kasutatavusest. EPMÜ KKI

T. Sepp, MA, 2004, superv. Kaja Kährik ja Mart Külvik. Inglise-Eesti bioloogilise mitmekesisuse valiksõnastik. TÜ Germaani-romaani filoloogia osakond

Kadri Kreisman, MSc, 2003, superv. Mart Külvik, Urve Ratas. Suur-Emajõe toimimine ökoloogilise koridorina.. TPÜ Geoökoloogia

Kristiina Liimand, MSc, 2003, superv. Mart Külvik. Võldase (Cottus gobio) elupaikade kui väärtuslike veealade kaitstus Eesti vooluvetes. EPMÜ KKI

Peeter Vassiljev, MSc, 2003, superv. Mart Külvik, Kristiina Hellström. Kaasnev rekreatsioon, selle olemus ja tähtsus maastikuarhitektuurilises käsitluses. EPMÜ KKI

Kaja Allilender, MSc, 2001, superv. Kiira Aaviksoo, Mart Külvik. Soomaa rahvuspargi kaitsekorralduskava koostamise ja rakendamise metoodika. TÜ GI

Ain Vellak, MSc, 1997, superv. Ülo Mander, Mart Külvik. Eesti kaitsealade süsteem: ruumiline analüüs. TÜ GI

13.Current research program In the area of nature conservation policies and planning - policies planning at local, national and international levels, biodiversity management planning, especially wild flora conservation; landscape perception and identity questions in the context of conservation and sustainable use.
In the area of landscape ecology - methodological aspects of ecological network planning and implementation; forest key habitats identification; ecotones' functions in agriculrural and forest landcape
14.Current grant funding SF0411767s01, 2001 - 2005
ETF6007, 2004 - 2007
15.List of most important publications

Külvik, M., Palo, A., Kukk, Ü., Hurt, E., Kull, T., Parmasto, E., Vellak, K., Roosaluste, E, Jüriado, I., Saar, I. 2005. IPAs in Estonia. In – Important Plant Areas in Central and Eastern Europe. Plantlife International. pp. 43-46.

Palang, H., Sooväli, H., Printsmann, A., Peil, T., Kaur, E., Lang, V., Konsa M., Külvik, M., Alumäe, H. and K. Sepp. 2005. Püsivad ja muutuvad maastikud Eestis: Kultuurigeograafiline käsitlus. Akadeemia, 10: 2209-2228.

Jongman, R.H.G., Külvik, M. & Kristiansen, I. 2004. European ecological networks and greenways. Landscape and Urban Planning, 68 (2-3): 305-319.

Külvik, M. and Ü. Mander. 2004. Estonia’s ecological network - from Edg. Kant to current applications. Geographical Studies 9. Estonian Geographical Society, Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn. Pp. 146-154.

Liimand, K., and M. Külvik. 2004. Capacity-Building Needs in Estonia. In - Korn, H., Schliep R. & C. Epple (Eds.), Report of the International Workshop Capacity-Building for Biodiversity in Central and Eastern Europe. Full workshop report including presentations of initiatives, case-studies and lessons learned. BfN – Skripten 121. p. 61.

Palang, H., Sooväli, H., Printsmann, A., Peil, T., Lang, V., Konsa M., Külvik, M., Alumäe, H. and K. Sepp. 2004. Estonian cultural landscapes: persistence and change. Geographical Studies 9. Estonian Geographical Society, Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn. Pp. 155-170.

Remm K., Külvik, M., Mander, Ü. and K. Sepp. 2004. Design of the Pan-European Ecological Network: A national level attempt. In Jongman, R. and G. Pungetti (Eds.) Ecological networks and greenways, Landscape ecology, Cambridge University Press (CUP). Pp. 151-170.

Sooväli, H., Külvik, M. and H. Palang. 2004. Rural landscape representations in Estonian imagery. Geographical Studies 9. Estonian Geographical Society, Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn. Pp. 171-179.

Külvik, M., Sepp, K., Jagomägi, J. and Ü. Mander. 2003. Ecological networks in Estonia - from classical roots to current applications. In – Mander, Ü. and M. Antrop Eds., Multifunctional Landscapes, Vol. III, Continuity and change. Series: Advances in Ecological Sciences, Vol 16. WIT Press: Southampton, Boston. Pp. 263-289.

Mander, Ü., Külvik, M. & R., Jongman. 2003. Scaling in territorial ecological networks. Landschap, 20 (2): 113-127.

Sooväli, H., Palang, H., Alumäe, H., Külvik, M., Kaur, E., Oja, T., Prede, M. and T. Pae. 2003. (Traditional) landscape identity - globalized, abandoned, sustained? In: E. Tiezzi, C.A. Brebbia & J.L. Usó (eds) Ecosystems and sustainable development, Vol 2 (Advances in Ecological Sciences, 19), WIT Press, pp. 925-935

Sooväli, H., Palang, H. and M. Külvik. 2003. The role of rural landscapes in shaping Estonian national identity. In - Unwin, T. & T. Spek (eds.) European Landscapes: from Mountain to Sea. Proceedings of the 19th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape (PECSRL) at London and Aberystwyth (UK), 10-17 September 2000, Huma Publishers, Tallinn, pp. 114-121.

Külvik, M., Sooväli, H., Palang, H. and H. Alumäe. 2002. Stamps as iconographic signals of landscape identity for Estonia. In – Rural Landscapes: Past Processes and Future Strategies. Progamme, abstracts and list of participants of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, 25 August – 1 September, 2002, Tartu and Otepää, Estonia, p 29.

Thompson, I., Patterson, G., Leiner, S., Nasi, R., Pascual Pola de C. N., Sigaud, P., LeDanff, J.-P., Mulongoy, K. J., Toivonen, H., Cooper, D., Deutz, A., Diaz-Silveira M. F., Filipchuk, A.N., Henne, G., Hinchley, D., Hurtubia, J., Külvik, M., Kumari, K., Kawahara, T., Leigh, J., Quesne-Geier Le C., Manokaran, N., Mbandji, J., Nakasima, K., Ooft, M., Oteng Yeboah, A. A., Plesnik, J., Nath Rai, S., Ramos, M., Pereira, M. C. R., Rykowski, K., Saint-Laurent, C., Smith, G., Toure, B., Tol van G., Verossimo, A., Wells, A. and D. Williamson. 2002. Review of The Status and Trends of, and Major Threats to, Forest Biological Diversity. Montreal, SCBD, (CBD Technical Series no. 7), 164 p.

Külvik, M. 2001. Mida tahame maastikul kaitsta ― seisundit või protsessi? In - Palang, H. & Sooväli, H. (toim.). Maastik: loodus ja kultuur. Maastikukäsitlusi Eestis. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis Vol. 91, lk 105-107.

Külvik, M. 2001. Status of the Development and Implementation of Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans in CEE/NIS Countries and the Identification of Needs for Assistance with the Reference to the Baltic States. In Peil, T. (Ed.) Facing the New Millenium. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Environmental Conventions and the Baltic States. 25-26 October 2001, Haapsalu, Estonia. pp. 31-41.

Palang H., Alumäe H., Sooväli H. and Külvik M. 2001. Globalisation – threat to traditional landscape and local identity. European Regional Development Issues in the New Millennium and Their Impact on Economic Policy. ERSA 41th Conference Proceedings. CD Edition, Zagreb, 29.-31.8.2001, 8 pp.

Külvik, M. 1999. The Pan-European Ecological Network - Synergies with Important Plant Areas. In (Synge, H., Akeroyd, J., Eds) Planta Europa. Proceedings of the Second European Conference on the Conservation of Wild Plants, pp. 178-180.

Mander, Ü., Mikk, M. and M. Külvik. 1999. Ecological and low intensity agriculture as contributors to landscape and biological diversity. Landscape and Urban Planning. 46, 1-3: 169-177.

Külvik, M. 1998. The progress of strategies and action plans and needs for strengthening of the biodiversity process in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Planning for Biodiversity. Full Workshop Proceedings, 4-7 November 1997, Bristol, England. pp. 67-76.

Külvik, M. 1997. Status of and needs for assistance of national biodiversity strategies and action plans in the region - Results of a Survey September 1996. In Proceedings of the Regional Meeting on the Convention of Biological Diversity in Central and Eastern European Countries: Implementation of the Convention and Preparation for the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties. Bratislava, Slovakia, 30 September - 2 October 1996. Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. pp 65-71.

Külvik, M. 1997. Status of development of biodiversity strategies and action plans in Europe and identification of needs for assistance with the reference to the Baltic States. In (Editor Peterson, K.) Proceedings of the Third Conference on the Environmental Conventions and the Baltic States, 24-25 April, 1997 Sagadi, Estonia. pp. 58-69.

Külvik, M. 1997. Sustainable forestry policies: a chance for consumption analysis. In: Perspectivy trvale udrzhitelného zpúsobu zhivota. Sbornik prednashek. 29.-31. ledna 1997, Divalo Hudby, Vydavatelství Univerzity Palatckého, Olomouc. pp. 217-119.

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last updated: 14.03.2006

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