title: Single Molecule Spectroscopy in Optical Birefringent Crystal
reg no: ETF6545
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: Institute of Physics at University of Tartu
head of project: Inna Rebane
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2008
description: Single molecule spectroscopy (SMS) provides the possibility to measure the spectra of a single imurity molecule, whereby the influence of the inhomogeneous structure of the host and averangings over the ensemble of the molecules are elimineted. Thus, SMS is a method that allows one to investigate the individual state of one single impurity molecule and its interactions with environment - the surrounding host crystal, electromagnetic field etc. In SMS the main object of studies is zero-phonon line (ZPL) - the narrowest and the most intense line in the spectrum. Thanks to the very high sensitivity of ZPL to varios disturbances and even to their very small changes, SMS serves as a powerful tool to study electrical, magnetical and deformation fields inside solid on a nanoscopic level.
We have taken into account a factor which up to now has not been considered in the theories of ZPL - the influence of the anisotropy of the host crystal on the spontaneous emission rate (SER) of the impurity molecule and thus also on the radiative linewidth. The anisotropy reveals itself in the dependence of SER on the orientation of the radiative transition dipole moment in the crystal.
The computer calculations will result in convienent for experimenters graphs (for uniaxial crystals) and sets of graphs (for biaxial crystals) to find to for given pair or triple of refractive indices the changes of the radiative linewidth of ZPLs in dependence on the direction of the transition dipole moment in the crystal.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Rein KochInstitute of Physics at University of TartuResearch associate 
2.Inna RebaneInstitute of Physics at University of Tartusenior scientist 
3.Imbi TehverInstitute of Physics at University of TartuInstitute of Physics, University of Tartu